1 on 1 Digital Targeting Across Premium Digital Environment

  • 36.63+ Lakh verified Farmers Onboarded Data across 21 states
  • Ready to serve farmer cluster across :
    – Central & North India
    – HSM States
    – East India
    – South India
    – West India
  • One-on-one Farmer Targeting in Vernacular Language of Choice
  • Display/Video/OTT/Mobile Environment
    – Specially curated YouTube vernacular farmer channels (upto 1.45k Subscriber base & above)
    – Crop based custom keyword targeting on YouTube 
  • Advertiser’s farmer data (first party data) onboarding facility available at no extra charge

HSM Market

Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh


All India

21 States


South India

Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala


East India

Odisha, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur


West India

Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat


Marketer's Cheat Sheet

360° Farmer's Outreach in a Premium Environment

Unique 360 degree model for last mile connectivity Digital campaign + last mile POS Fulfilment

  • 31+ Lakhs farmers data onboarded
  • Facility of bringing marketer’s own data to be on boarded into the platform

36,63,892 Farmers Onboard

Reaching out farmers across Digital Media (YouTube, Standard Display, Video, OTT, Mobile)

21 States

Across North, Hindi Speaking Belt, South, East & West India

1273 FPOs

Managing 300+ FPOs in select states to help them through professional & tech support

947 Physical Stores

Display/POS opportunities in each cluster through Physical stores

What Clients Say


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